Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bittersweet 26

The day 79a and I were dreading finally arrived; the day we'd go back to Dubai. 79a and I depressingly packed up our things, and waited downstairs
in the lobby for the rest of my family.

"MABA ASEEEEER!" 79a sobbed. "5alaaa9 this is my HOME!"

A black Range Rover pulled up in front of the hotel lobby, and Rashid walks in. He had already offered to drive us to the airport since Man9oor had
classes, and couldn’t take us.

"Noora!!" He blurted out, with the biggest smile on his face. I smiled back at him. How could I not? His smile was making me melt!

"A7m!!" 79a stepped into the picture, announcing her presence.
"Hey 79a." He greeted her.
"Why the long faces?" He said, noticing the sadness in our eyes.
"3shan we don’t want to leave!!" I answered, with the saddest look I can pull off on my face.
"Oh 9a7…" His gorgeous smile faded into a heartbreaking frown. "Aham shay enkm stanasto."
"When are you going to come back to Dubai?" I asked, wanting to know the answer right away! That'll give me something to look forward to in my life!

Rashid just shrugged, "Greeb enshallah."

UFF I want a straight answer!

"Y3ni mta?" I widened my eyes at him, blushing immediately afterwards. Yal f'6eeeee7a I just sounded SOO desperate! I could tell that he noticed
how embarrassed I got by the way he raised his eyebrows and smirked. 79a giggled uncontrollably at us. Thanks 79oo!

"I know you'll miss me!" He chuckled fluttering his eyelashes with the stupidest smile on his face. I hit him lightly on his shoulder and giggled at
his remark.
"Trust me, she will." 79a quietly muttered under her breath. It’s a good thing he didn’t hear her it because I would've strangled her!
"Bss 9dg stanasna with you guys." He added.

Yes we did. Waaayed ba3ad! If he only knew…


The elevator door opened and my parents and Mayed stepped out. They greeted Rashid, and Mayed helped him lug the bags into the trunk of his
Range. 79a and I, still depressed, climbed into the car, and waved goodbye at out hotel.


We arrived at the airport 30 minutes before take off.
"YALLAAH BSR3AA!" My mom yelled, pulling her carry-on bag while struggling to fix her head scarf.
My family, as fast as they could, grabbed their luggage and hurried to the check in counter. Mayed took care of everything at the desk, while we gathered
everything and everyone.

"Yallah fmanallah Rashid, mashkoor." My dad thanked him, and walked through the gate.
"Maga9art wallah. Nchoofk greeb enshallah." My mom smiled, and walked through the gate.
"Ma3a el salama i5ooya. Nchoofk fl blad." Mayed shook his hand, and walked through the gate,
"BYE!!" 79a smiled widely, and walked through the gate.

I was left. I didn’t want to move, and I could tell he didn’t want me to either. The whole time my family were saying their goodbyes, I could feel his eyes
focusing on me. When they had all gone, he had the saddest, most worried look on his face.

I didn’t know what to say, so I turned and walked towards the gate without saying anything at all. I was just about to step in when-

"Wait!" I heard a sharp voice from behind me say. He grabbed my hand, turned me around.
"I …I …." He started to say…
I stood still, waiting for him to finish his sentence. I looked up at his big honey colored eyes, one last time. It made my heart stop all over again, just like
the first time.

"Flight 642 to Dubai now prepare for take off." The announcer's voice blared from the speakers.
I looked at the gate, then back at Rashid. He still didn’t say anything, and neither did I. But I had to, and FAST.

"I'm sorry." I let go of his hand, ran into the gate and through the terminal as fast as I could.

My tears blurred my vision but I was able to get to the plane on time, thank god. I held myself together until I got to my seat, next to 79a.
She looked at me with a blank expression. I didn’t say anything, but sat down and stared out the window. I SERIOUSLY didn’t want to leave, and not for
the same reason 79a had. I had my own reason that was making my heart ache terribly. A tear escaped my waterline, but I quickly wiped it with my
finger before 79a saw it.
I'm guessing she did, because she immediately held my hand tightly.

And I didn’t let go, until we landed in Dubai.

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