Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bittersweet 17

The plane ride wasn't that bad. 79a complained, as usual, but eventually got over it. Dad and Mayed went to go pick up luggage, while Mom, 79a
and I went outside to find Man9oor.
I put on my sunglasses, as 79a and I grinned from ear to ear of excitement.
After finally exiting the luggage claim, and outside into society, my mom spotted Man9oor in the crowd of people waiting for their friend's and family
to arrive.
I smiled and waved at the sight of Man9oor, but then my smile faded and my eyes widened behind my sunglasses.

"Awaih!" 79a shoved my shoulder. "Choofi mno wyaa Man9oor!"
Yes, I see him! Why do you think I'm in complete shock right now?
Behind Man9oor, wearing a bright yellow A&F shirt and khaki shorts with messy jumped-out-of-bed hair stood Rashid.

"Halla Umy! Noora hey! Sh7alch 79a?" My brother looking like an idiot smiled excitedly as her greeted us.
"Sh7alch 5alti?" Rashid pretending to be a gentleman greeted my mother and offered to pull her carry on bag.
"Mashkoor Rashid, mashallah 3laik stwait rayal!" My mother continued to tmda7 him. I rolled my eyes behind my glasses when he said to me;
"3a6enee your bag bashlha 3anch. Shaklch ta3bana."
Okay… Seriously? I stood there looking around pretending that I didn't hear him over the loud noises of the airport.
"Noora?" He called my name. The sound of my name 3ala lsana sounded so sharp, and manly. It was as if he were the only voice I heard out the
millions in this airport. It completely blocked out all the other voices, and echoed in my ears.
I quickly snapped out of it, and shook my head.
"La 3adi." I clenched my bag, intending that I was capable of carrying it myself. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as he shrugged his broad

"Ana baroo7 ayeeb el sayara." Man9oor announced and walked away.
"7abeebty Noora, trayay Baba ow Mayed eyeebon el shna6 while 79a and I got get some coffee. Tboon shay?" She offered Rashid and I. We both
shook our heads and they took off.
Leaving me standing there, with Rashid. Alone.

I looked up from my sunglasses to see Rashid smiling a mile wide, flashing his white teeth perfectly arranged in two straight lines. What's his problem?
"Is this your first time in California?" I heard his sharp manly voice say. I peeked my eyes from the top of my sunglasses, since he was too tall to fit in
the frame.
"Um...yeah." I shyly answered, clutching my handbag even harder. I think he noticed how shy I was, so he smiled even wider.
"Why are you hiding your eyes behind those sunglasses?" He asked, still smiling.
"Shams." I answered straight away, immediately regretting it when I realized that we weren't even outside yet. "I mean…bss che." I could feel my
cheeks getting hot, and my hands getting clammy. 3ala 6ool I thought he would laugh. Instead;

"You have beautiful eyes. Don’t hide them." He slowly and calmly said. Waaaih waaih waaih! Hatha ystahbal? Beautiful mara w7da? Shway shway
ya wld el 7alal. He could tell I was nervous by the way I kept running my hand through my hair, and switching my bag from one hand to the other, and
constantly checking my turned-off phone as if I'm expecting a call. While he stood and just kept smiling that stupid smile, folding his arms as if he's
watching his favorite TV show or something.
Oh how much I wish my dad and Mayed would arrive any minute now.
7mdellah! Baba appeared carrying a big black duffle bag that looked quite heavy. My dad dropped it in front of me, took a breath and salam 3ala Rashid.

"Wldy wadoo hal shan6a el sayara, ana ow Mayed beneeb the rest." And he disappeared back into the luggage claim. Ohoo.
I looked back at Rashid whose muscles tensed as he lifted the bag from the ground with one arm tossing it over his shoulder, and calling Man9oor
with his free hand. Awanaaaa. Show off!
Ashkera it shows that its extremely heavy 3ala his shoulder by how hard he was breathing. Still trying to keep a straight face, he walked outside to
find Man9oor and put the heavy bag in the car.

"See you back at the hotel." He said on his way out, still struggling to keep smiling. This time, I smiled back, only because he looked extremely funny
pretending he can handle carrying a bag that heavy on his shoulder.

"Balach Shaga el 7alj?" I heard 79a's voice from behind me. I turned around to find my mother and best friend carrying a Starbucks cup in each hand.
Embarrassed, I shook my head, indicating that it was nothing.
Soon Dad and Mayed appeared with the rest of the luggage, and we headed out to Man9oor's car.

Still smiling…

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