Monday, October 25, 2010

Bittersweet 23

I didn’t move a muscle. I stood there not knowing weather to be anxious or scared or whatever.

"If you don’t find it inappropriate for me to ask," He began, "would you like to have dinner tonight?"

I let out a breath of relief. Then I smiled.

"Is that a yes?" He asked. Had I not answered his question? Well that’s stupid.
I nodded in agreement, still not saying anything, and he left the apartment.
"See you at 7." He winked, just before he left.
That left me with something to look forward to while 79a was asleep.

79a remained asleep for hours! And I was BORED.

I had already chosen what I wanted to wear; a beige loose top fitted with a wide black belt, black
leggings and black stilettos. With nothing better to do, I decided to get ready early. I got dressed and did my makeup. Nothing too drastic, just a tad more
than usual, considering I was going to have dinner with my fiancé, I better look good. I framed my eyes with black eyeliner, and brushed a thick coat of
mascara on my lashes. I enhanced my cheekbones with bronzer and blush, and finally filled in my lips with a light pink lipstick. With extra time to spare,
I decided to curl the ends of my hair.

It was exactly 7:00 when I had just finished curling my hair. I figured Mayed would come, knock on our door and we'd go, but I was too impatient and
couldn’t wait any longer so I decided to wait downstairs. Grabbing my purse, I swung the door open, and out stood Mayed. He widened his eyes first,
and then smiled.

"Am I too early?" He chuckled. I didn’t answer him in words, but shook my head.

He looked adorable in his while shirt and leather jacket. His hair was all over the place, as usual, and he had shaved. He looked like a baby with less
facial hair. I just wanted to pinch his rosy cheeks!

He took me to one of the restaurants on our block. Mexican, to be specific. I didn’t talk much, but I listened to his swalf about university, as I munched
on nachos and salsa. I was in the middle of laughing at something Mayed had said, when my phone buzzed.

Hessa: PING
            Where r u?!
Noora: Out with Mayed. :$
Hessa: La Wallah?! :@ Ow ana ya3ni?
Noora: You were asleep. :$
Hessa: Uff!

"What's so funny?" Mayed said, peering into my phone. Nosy!
I shook my head, pulling my phone away.
"Noora, I'm going to be your husband, you can't hide anything from me." He joked, I assume, grabbing for my phone. 5aiba! "About to be my husband."

Lazm el awkwardness ya3ni? May59k enzain, its MY phone. He grabbed it out of my hand and read my conversation. But then he didn’t give it back.
He went back and looked through my Messenger list. Okay, what the heck?! NOSY!
I reached, trying to grab it back, but he turned his back, and kept looking through my list. Shu mshklta?! Who's on my list is none of his business!

Does he doubt me? Is he having bad thoughts about me? Doesn't he trust me? What kind of girl does he think I am?! I was furious.
When he was done taking his time looking through my list, he finally handed the phone back to me, and continued to eat his nachos.

La wallah?! Ib kl brooda ya3ni.
I didn’t look at him for the rest of the meal. 8aharni!

I loosened up towards the end of our dinner. He started telling jokes, and y3al8 3ala the people walking by. I was having a good time. When it was time
to leave, he thanked the waiter and the staff for the lovely dinner.
Mayed took me back to our room, talking and talking on the way. I just giggled and smiled at his swalf.

"You don’t say much, do you?" He chuckled. I smiled in return, not knowing what to say back to that.

"Well, goodnight." Mayed smiled. I smiled back.
"Goodnight." It was the only word I had said all night.

I walked into our room, to find 79a standing facing the door, tapping her foot. She had the most hilarious, angry look on her face.

"I hate you!" She said. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.
"Tseereen t7oo6een wya my brother, having an awesome time, and leaving me ALONE!" She complained. "Who's your best friend? Ana wla hoo?"
"79a there's no need to act childish." I rolled my eyes, putting my purse down.
"Childish? I'm not acting childish! You're being INCONSIDERATE!"
"5aaaiba!!" I replied back to her ridiculous accusation.
"Haih ba3ad shu?!" She continued to yell.
"Calm down, 79a! It was just dinner!"
"Just dinner ha? Soon it's going to be breakfast, and lunch, and movies, and shopping, and KLSHAY! You're going to be MARRIED to him. MY brother!"

She yelled. I sighed annoyingly, waiting for her tantrum to end.
She finally ended it with; "I am COMPLETELY against this marriage!" and stormed into the bathroom and took a LONG shower.


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