Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bittersweet 14

"Shu tbain?!" Salama stood at the doorway of her stall. She looked terrible! 
Like seriously! Her nose was red, her cheeks were completely smeared
with black streams of mascara from her tears, and her eyes were completely red.

"SHU?!" She snapped.
"I … I…." I didn’t know what to say! What are you supposed to say at this particular 
"If the teacher sent you to get me, don't bother, I'm not going!" And she walked over to 
the tissue dispenser and yanked as many as she could hold
out of it.
"The teacher didn't send me." I told her. Should I say something? Maybe I should leave. 
But I was too scared to do either. Who knew what she'd do!

"You were right!" She blurted. Okay 7mdlah she spoke first!
"Right about sho?"
"About Rashid!"

Big shock.

"He never gives me any attention! He only takes me out because I ask him to. He 
never compliments me, he doesn't call me. Maybe once every few
days he sends me a cute text but that's pretty much it! Am7ag relationship!" She paced 
around the bathroom until she sat on the floor and leaned
against the wall.

Okay, why is she telling me this, out of all the people in the world? She has like a
bazillion friends! Galan el nass ya3ni?
I felt I should say something right about now.

"Then why are you with him if he treats you like this?" I crouched down beside her.
"I thought I loved him. T7rait he'd treat me like all the other guys treated me. They take 
me out ow give me flowers ow buy me little gifts." She explained.
"Bss you go through them so fast!"
"Hehe I get bored!" She giggled. Shu haathee! Everytime she gets bored of a guy 
who treats her like a princess, she dumps him for someone else who does the same 

"Bess you don’t love Rashid. You just want him to ydal3ch. You just want the attention, 
not his love." I told her. She just looked at me so I continued;
"You shouldn’t be with a guy because you enjoy the things he offers you. That's like using 
him. Be with someone you LOVE, someone you know
LOVES you back."
"Has that ever happened to you?" Salama sat up straight.
I looked at her, and then my thoughts drifted.

Was I just saying empty words? Or am I feeling something?

I shouldn’t be with a guy just because I enjoy the things he offers me. That's like using 
him. I have to be with someone I LOVE, someone I know
LOVES me back.

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