Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bittersweet 9

It was official. I was engaged to Mayed Al-X. AKA 79a's brother! At first she thought it was 
the weirdest thing ever. She was completely against it. But then she's grown to completely 
love the idea of me being her sister-in-law. I'd live with her, I'd hang out with her possibly
everyday, and we'd be practically related!

She wanted me to get married right away, but no way that’s going to happen. First Mayed 
has to graduate, and then I have to get into university, then we'd get married. But I didn’t 
mind waiting and neither did Mayed. I do see him very often these days. He would come 
over and sit and drink gahwa and chat with my dad. Sometimes he would bring one of his 
brothers with him, and they'd all hang out in the meelas all night. I saw 79a pretty much 

One evening we decided to have all both our families together for dinner. Man9oor flew in
just for this dinner. My mother and I spent the entire day preparing. The maids kept rushing 
in and out of the house with food and plates and trays. 79a decided to come earlier than her 
family so she could help me dress up. She picked out a long gold dress that was fastened at
the waist with a bow, and a matching scarf.

"Nawari wallah 3laich jsm! I forgot how skinny you were!" She pretended to be shocked.
"Yeah sure 79oo. Yallah makeup!" I made her do my makeup since I usually put on nothing 
but mascara and blush.

She drew a perfect black winged line on my eyelid, and coated my lashes with volume mascara. 
She played around with the blush and bronzer, and finally brushed my lips with a light pink 
lipstick topped with a glossy shine. My mom called us to say hello to our guests who have just 

"Mashallah 3laich 79a, hathee mb bnty! Eedch sa7ra!" She complimented, I think.

We told her we'll be right there, quickly put on our heels and headed downstairs.
All I could see was white! All of 79a's brothers were downstairs. Mashallah there's so many 
of them! There was my dad, 79a's dad, my mom, 79as mom, Man9oor, all of 79as brothers, 
and 5alo Meera who was our closest relative.
After salamna 3ala everyone, we all sat in the meelas while the maids got dinner ready.

"Mashallah m7lawa, Noora." 79a's dad complimented
I blushed. 79a laughed.
The grown ups continued talking.

"7abeeby Mayed latst7ee! Tfa'6al hnee anytime. Eetha u need ayshay let us know! Tra 
we're family now." My mom assured him.
He nodded in agreement. "Enshallah 5alo." And he glanced at me and winked.
He looks so much like 79a! They have the same dark eyes!

"Mayed enta tsoog 9a7?" Mama asked. What kind of question is that! Of course he does.
"Sho rayk teeb Noora min el mdrsa on Sunday?"

79a and I immediately looked at each other. What was she thinking?! I gave my mother a 
look but she ignored me.
"Haih enshallah 5alo." He kindly responded. So now he's going to pick me up from school? 
How awkward!

El 7mdlah mama stayed quiet for the rest of the night, without any embarrassing questions
and statements. We had a lovely formal dinner that we all enjoyed. This made me look forward 
to my future. Maybe this wasn't such a bad decision after all.

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