Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bittersweet 22

Wallaaah I love the beach. There's not better feeling than laying on your back facing the ocean, listening to soft music from your iPod 
speakers as the
wind blows your hair in all directions. Yaa salaam ….

I could sit here all day. Enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer.
My parents sat under a nearby umbrella listening to their own music, while the guys went jet skiing. 79a and I finally had some relaxing time.
We haven’t had much of that lately.
I was about to close my eyes under the warmth of the sun, when a tall shadow blocked my sun. I opened my eyes to find Mayed looking 
down at us.

"Who wants to go jet skiing?"
"ANA!" 79a jumped up without question. But then she turned around and faced me with a pleading look on her face. I smiled and gestured 
for her to
go ahead. Besides, I wanted more relaxing time.
I lay back down and watched the peaceful ocean.

Not so peaceful when your brother and his friends are jet skiing like maniacs. Ba3'6 el nass were trying to show off some of their skills, 
however I couldn’t
help but be impressed.

I was enjoying the sound of the waves, when I was interrupted by a loud piercing scream. From past experiences, I was positive it came from 

I immediately got up to witness 79a flying out of her brother's jet ski and splashing several meters away into the water. I raced down until I was
knee-deep in water. I watched Mayed as he dived in behind her, and pulled her out from under water. Rashid then drove his jet-ski towards 
and extended his arm to pull 79a up. Coughing insanely, 79a grabbed Rashid's hand, as he pulled her onto the seat behind him.

I could read his lips:

"HOLD ON!" He said, as she put her arms around his waist.
Rashid drove her over to me, and carried her to the beach.

I kneeled down beside her.

"79A! BREATHE! SAY SOMETHING! 79AA!!" I screamed into her face. Her hair was dripping wet. Her clothes were soaked, and she was 
"I'm fine, yal '3abeya!" 79a said jokingly as she put her hands over ears. I looked over at Rashid, who apparently was still sitting there, as he
at me. I tried to maintain a straight face, but I couldn't help but giggle quietly.

"79AA!!" My mother's high pitched shriek was suddenly heard. Her and my dad came running towards us looking extremely worried. My mom
continuously kept asking if she was alright, and 79a kept assuring her she was fine.

"Mayed a7san twady el banat back to the hotel. We don't want any more accidents." My dad ordered.

LAAAAA! I don’t want to leave the beach!

"Laa 5ali wallah 3adi, ma7s ib alam at all." 79a tried to convince him.
"Laa laa 79a a7san you go back and rest." He's so paranoid! So 79a el '3beya flew off the jet-ski so what? Okay that’s a bit selfish, but 9dg!
"Yallah 79a, Noora, lets go." Mayed started picking up his things when... 

"Mayed ana agdar awadeehm eetha tba itm, I don’t mind." Rashid suddenly spoke. 79a and I both widened our eyes and turned to face him.

He was serious!

"Laa 3adi ya5i stay here and have fun with Man9oor." Mayed smiled and continued to gather our things.
"Laa laa I insist!" Rashid demanded.

Then Mayed gave him an awkward look that said: Shu mshkeltk?!
Rashid turned slightly red, and turned away. 79a and I tried EXTREMELY hard to hold our laughs.

The car ride was EXTREMELY quiet. 79a and I sat firmly in the back seat as Mayed drove us back to the hotel. No radio, no open windows or
My eyes wandered around the car, from out the window to the rearview mirror. That’s when I noticed a pair of dark, dark eyes peering at me 
through it.
I stared back at the reflection, but the eyes remained positioned staring directly into mine. I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable and a 
little scared.

I kept looking away for a few seconds but every time I looked back, the eyes were still focused on me.
Was this guy driving or what? Shouldn’t his eyes be on the road?!
I was hoping 79a would notice the awkwardness but she didn’t at all. She was about to fall asleep in the car when Mayed announced our 
He opened the back door for us to help carry the bags, as he kept giving me the same unreadable look. I remained expressionless as I carried
my stuff up to our room.

I pulled out my key card as 79a and Mayed stood behind me. The thought of them watching me, as I struggled to unlock the door, made me
even more nervous. 

"YALLAAH!" 79a impatiently yelled.

The green light finally flashed as 79a pushed me out of the doorway and ran inside and plopped on her bed. In a second, she was dozed off.
I put down the bags, and was about to step into the bathroom when I noticed Mayed still standing in the doorway, with the same mysterious 
look on his face. I started to feel even more scared considering 79a fell asleep and left me alone with him.

"I need to talk to you." He said in a serious tone, as he walked into the room, and shut the door behind him.

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