Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bittersweet 27

It was like summer all over again. The feeling of not wanting to go back to school and face all the 7meer ely
hnaki. Oh well, I've gotten used to it.

As usual, 79a dropped me off at school, and took off for her school. For years I've wanted her to come to my
school but her parents wouldn’t allow her to move since all her brothers graduated from her school. It was kind
of a tradition.

I arrived early and decided to sit by myself on a bench on the courtyard and enjoy Dubai's so-called morning

"Excuse me?" A soft voice from behind me said. I turned around to find a petit girl sitting on the other side of
a bench. She was holding a paper, probably her schedule.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Tgdreen tgooleely where the Economics class is? I'm new here, 3ndy eya 1st period ow I don’t know where to

She explained. She had long brown bangs that fell over her big brown eyes.

"Ana ba3ad 3ndy Economics. I'll go with you." I kindly offered.
"Thanks! Shu esmch by the way?" She asked.
"Noora, and you?"
"Maitha." She answered. She had the rosiest cheeks and the most flawless skin. For some reason, I had the
urge touch her face. It looked so smooth!

I smiled at her. She was prettier and more natural than any of the other girls at our school. Most of them pile
on the makeup min 9baa7 allah 5air just for school. Maitha had absolutely nothing on her face, although ashk
ena her eyelashes are natural because they seemed so long. Either she has gorgeous eyelashes, or she
uses really good mascara.

Maitha and I walked to Economics class early. In fact, we sat together in every class that we shared. I learned
that she was the middle child of a family of 3. She had an older sister who was married and a younger brother
in the 5th grade. She's so 6ayba and funny and down to Earth. I couldn’t wait to introduce her to 79a.

"T3aly wyana afterschool for lunch!" I offered. Lunch would be a great way to get to know each other, but she
kindly declined the offer, saying that her parents wouldn’t allow her. I get her point, I mean, she just met
me today!

I went to my art class for 3rd period, and Maitha went to Physics. After class I found her sitting in the cafeteria
with Salama and her friends. Salama?!
Salama was sitting next to Maitha on their usual table, surrounded by a bunch of weird stuck up girls. Maitha
giggled along with their conversation as I watched from the counter.

"OMG Maitha you are TOO cute!" Salama exclaimed, eyeing me from the corner of her eyes. 7arakat yahaal
I mean seriously? What are we? 12?
Maitha suddenly got up from her seat, trying to make her way out of the crowd.
"Barja3 barja3!" She smiled, as she walked away. Next thing I know, she appeared beside me on the counter.

"Hey!" She smiled.
"So I see you've met Salama." I smiled back.
"Yeah…" She rolled her eyes. "She's very sweet, but I don’t think she can be more than just a classmate to me.
Ma7b her type of people."
Wow. Somebody notices!
"Haih ana ba3ad, I don’t like her very much." I replied.
"I noticed they talk about people wayed behind their backs." She said.
"Did she say something to you about someone?" I asked curiously.
"Well yeah…You." She answered. I widened my eyes, and then rolled them. I should've known. Of course she was
going to tell Maitha rumors about me that she made up herself.

"Apparently you stole her boyfriend, and the next day a guy in a white Lamborghini picked you up from school, or
something like that."  Maitha giggled at the ridiculous remark.

OMG  how LOW of her. How dare she tnshr ramsa about me! Has she seen herself?

"Hay el ensana t'6a7k." I laughed. "Awalan, I never stole any of her boyfriends. Thaneyan, the guy that picked me
up happens to be my fiancé."

Maitha gasped.

"Enty ma56ooba?!" She put her hand over her mouth. "But you're so young!"
"It's not like I'm going to get married bacher!" I giggled. "3adi, we're taking our time."

Maitha was so fascinated by my engagement, but she seemed too embarrassed to ask questions. I was glad
she didn’t because I didn’t want to talk about it a9lan. The more thought I put into it; the more I wanted to get
out of it.

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