Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bittersweet 32


I kept an eye on Noora and 79a from a distance. I didn’t want to seem like the over protective type
and embarrass them. I was leaning against a wall in an empty corner of the school's campus
when I suddenly heard footsteps.
I stayed mkani but I could barely see who it was walking in the dark. From the silhouette that
emerged before me, I could tell that the shadow belonged to a girl.

"Uff." I heard her say. She didn’t see me standing there nor did I see her face. She was too
busy looking down at her pants that seemed stained with what was probably icing.

When she finally looked up, I recognized her.

"Maitha." I whispered to myself.

Maitha stood there for a while, in shock, widening her eyes as big as they can go. Her eyes were
massive and a rich brown color. Each eyelash curled perfectly in its place, making it impossible
to look away. Her cheeks glowed a light shade of pink. This wasn’t our first awkward encounter.

"Umm…" She began. "Bathroom." This was all she managed to say. Her mouth opened, and I expected
more words to follow but she didn’t speak.

I finally snapped out of it, and turned my head looking for the restroom. There wasn’t one to be found,
however I spotted a little fountain on the other end of the wall, and gestured for her to come. She
followed me and sat on the chair next to the fountain. She didn’t look at me, but she kept staring
at the stain on her jeans. There was a napkin dispenser nailed on the wall, and I pulled one out,
soaking it in water.

Her leg twitched as I held it to keep it in place while I wiped the stain with the wet napkin.

"Ylsee shwaya lain ma ynshaf." I instructed. She wouldn't want to go around with a huge wet stain
on her jeans.

Surprisingly, she did as I had asked, and sat in her seat staring at the ground. She didn’t look up,
though I strongly wanted her to. I was drawn into her big browns eyes, they were difficult to resist.
I wanted to know her. Though it was probably extremely inappropriate, but I had to. I had to know

"Sorry by the way." She suddenly spoke. Her voice was so soft, almost a whisper.
"For what?" My deep voice sounded terrifying after her angelic one.
"Having you take care of the stain and all." She still remained staring at the ground.
"It's just a stain." I smiled. "No big deal."

She finally looked up, and the dark corner suddenly felt lit as she smiled the most beautiful smile
had ever seen. She had a small mouth but full lips that outlined her pearly teeth.

"You think it's dry yet?" She playfully asked, leaning back on the chair.
"Let's see." I said, without thinking, felt the stain on her leg. It didn’t occur to me how inappropriate
it was to touch someone's leg twice. Better yet, a girl's leg. But that didn’t cross my mind at
all. I felt completely numb and couldn’t resist.

"A9lan enty kaif 5ayasti 3mrch? Mat3arfeen takleen shu?" I chuckled.
"Laaa!" She laughed, "I was eating a cupcake bss wallah the icing was HUGE! Seer choof! You can
barely fit it in your mouth!"
"Ana ba3ad stwatli nafs el salfa! But with spaghetti." I chuckled along with her.
"Wallah? You're a sloppy eater too?"
"Tell me about it! T5aylay I went into a restaurant with a white kandoora, and I left with an orange
"OMG how embaraaaasssing!!" She exclaimed, giggling uncontrollably.

Her laugh was so cute and innocent. I craved her more.
Somehow we got off topic and talked about so many things in our lives from food to travelling to
university to friends.

"Oh shit nsaaaait gom Noora!" She suddenly blurted out, getting up.
"Btseereen?" I asked, immediately regretting it after hearing how desperate I just sounded.
"Haaih 3yal shu?!" She smirked.

We just stood there for a minute, not knowing weather to say goodbye or see you later or

"Soo.. I guess I'll be seeing you." She smiled kindly.

I liked Maitha… I really did. She made me forget I was on Earth, and I was floating around in my
own world. Nothing else mattered when I was around her. Even though I don’t know her much, but
she had some kind of power over me. She was so young and so innocent. I couldn’t control myself.

"Can I talk to you later?" I suddenly asked, taking my chances.

Maitha first looked at me with her big brown eyes. I couldn’t tell how she felt. Her eyes were so
difficult to read. I lost focus every time I looked at them.

"Sure." She finally smiled, and gave me her number.

My heart bounced in happiness as she walked away. I stared at my phone screen, staring at
her number.
Seriously? That was all I had to do?
I felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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