Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bittersweet 35


I sat in my car facing Memzar Park. I had just pulled up in a parking space when I noticed
my phone flashing.

1 Message Received:
I Seee Yoooou ;)

I smirked at the screen, and quickly replied:
Where :O

A few seconds later she called.

"Wainch enty?" I chuckled questionably.
"I can Seeee yoooou, bss you cant seeeee meeee!" She sang into the phone. I believed she
was there because of the hard wind blowing into the sama3a.
"Okay yallah dshee."
"Haih 3yal mta? You think I came all the way to Memzar just to sit in a parking lot alone?"

A couple seconds later, I saw a tall, thin figure approach my car. It was Maitha. She was
wearing black track pants and a hoodie with a white shirt underneath. Maitha opened the door
of my car and sat in the passenger seat. I just stared at her amazed, not because of how
terrific she looked in simple clothes but how she was so wath8a with this whole thing.

"Hey." She said seductively. I just stared at her speechless. She was so … 3aaaaadii ..
like she's done this a million times before. However I couldn’t resist.

"Hi." I greeted her back. "You look great."
"Yeah right." She giggled sarcastically. "I just threw on whatever and left." She then pulled
the hood off her head and fluffed her soft brown hair.

We drove around Memzar park (it’s a big park) for a couple of hours basically just talking
and laughing. The thought that she's friends with my sister completely escaped my mind.

"I probably should get going." She stared at her watch, worried.
"Anazlch elbait?" I offered.
"Mmm.. I don’t want to take up your time."
"Laa 3adi its nothing. Yallah tell me where to go." I smiled

She smiled back and accepted my offer. So I drove her over to her house, which wasn’t
very far from the park.

"I'll call you." She said, putting her hoodie back on. "Thanks for the ride, had fun."
"No problem. Take care." I replied.

And then she leaned forward…

And carefully and softly kissed me on my cheek.

Okay… Woaahh..

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