Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bittersweet 34


Maitha and I have been constantly messaging each other since the day of the festival. We grew close,
and she gained my trust.

I sat in the 9alaah staring at my phone about 2 weeks after the festival. I was about to text Maitha when
I realized, is this it? Just exchanging messages back and fourth? I needed to see her. I HAD to see her.

Then I texted:

I want to see you.

I didn’t know what to expect from her. I barely know the girl. I decided I'll take my chances.

To my surprise she texted back:


Oh wow. Well that was easy, thank god. I replied:

Meet me at Memzar Park. 6:00

Easiest place. We used to go there back in the day. Ayam el thanaweya it would be the place to
pick up girls. Of course it6awarna from those days. It was just a simple phase that we all went
through. It felt weird going back.

BzzBzzz .. 1 Message Received

See you there.

Awaaih! I didn’t know she'd agree immediately! I quickly glanced at the clock that read 5:30.
SHI2! Smart move, Mayed! Batwahaag!

Bsr3a nashait min mkani ow tsaba7t 3al saree3 and was about to leave the house when.

"Mayed, Mayed!" I heard a high pitched voice yell from foog el daray.
"Haa 79oo!" I answered.

I saw 79a running downstairs in her 3aba, quickly slipping on her shoes before I even got the chance
to aba6el el bab.

"PLEASE drop me off at Noora's on your way!" She asked impatiently.
"Shu? Laa laa I'm in a hurry."
"PLEEEEASE! My car mafeeeeha PETROL ow el sheesha is always za7ma! Please just drop me
off!" She whined.
"79oo.. umm.."

She gave me a puppy dog face that I couldn't resist.

"Ta3ali." I smiled at her.

We got in the car and I raced to Noora's as fast as I could, glancing at the clock every few minutes.

"Laish msta3yel enzain? Where are you going?" 79a questioned.
"Just getting together with a few friends." I lied.
"Enzain 3anaboo ely ygool you have a meeting or something. Ela your friends. They can wait."

I sighed. I didn’t want to say anything else otherwise she'd talk and talk and won't stop talking.
Wallah 79oo asmeech nkta.

"Haa yallah we're here." I pulled in the driveway.
"Thank you ya a7la brother fl dnya!" She smiled widely at me before getting out.
"Adrii." I smirked. "Yallah bye!"

And now… back to Maitha…

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