Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bittersweet 37

"Ana lain a7een mb m9adga!" I blurted out in shock, as 79a drove away.
"She DITCHED us?" 79a shrieked.
"For MAYED?" I added.

We were in complete shock. Shakeen fil maw'6oo3. Maybe it wasn’t her. Ymkn 7ad thani. But no
matter how much we tried to deny it, it was true. It really was Maitha getting into Mayed's car.

"OMG I didn’t know ena Maitha was chee!" 79a gasped.
"Me neither! Maybayn 3laiha AT ALL!" I added.
"Bss I cant help thinking ena MUSTA7EEL. I'll text her!." 79a suggested, and pulled out her phone.

"WAIT!" I stopped her. "Shu btgooleelha?"

79a pulled over to the side of the road.

"You're not just going to say 'Wallah chftch trkbeen wya my bro!' shu!"
"Okay okay! Yallah shu agoolha?"

We finally sent her a simple, unsuspicious text.

Not as fun without you L

"Haaih 3shan she feels guilty shwaya!" I said.
79a sent the message and continued driving.

"I still CANT believe!" 79a continued.
"Adri adri!"
"Who knows! Maybe Mayed isn't the first one!" She added.
"Yeah who knows."
"Ow laa ba3ad Mayed mayst7ii 3a wayha! Mwa3d one of MY friends?! Wallah makalmhm both!"

How could've we missed it? Maitha had an entirely different side of her that we never suspected.
We witnessed it with our own eyes. Wallah hee matst7ii. We thought she was different 6l3at exactly
nafs ashkal banat my school. At least she does a better job at hiding it.

"Oh 9a7! Mb chna 5a6eebch?" 79oo suddenly snapped out of it. "Awaaaaiihh!"
"Haih 9aa7! Nsaait!"
"May59nii! 5ala yzg Mayed! Matetzawjaina! Ya wailch!" 79a suddenly started yelling.
"Wallah! 7aywan! He goes off with our FRIEND ow he's engaged to YOU! Yzg maytzawajch!" She
"3kaifch?" I giggled at her insanity.
"Wallah Nawari! He's ahbal! Matbaina." She insisted.

I continued to giggle. 3kaifha she calls off my wedding.

"Nawari trust me yom agoolch Matbaina!" She continued.
"T'6a7keen! This is your brother we're talking about!" I giggled.
"May'6a7k! Ow so what if he's my brother? He's just a guy like any other. Ow he should know his
limits! 7ta enty lazm matsm7een 7ag 3mrch ta5theen wa7d che! You deserve better."

I just sat there and listened. I knew she was right but I guess I was too scared to do anything
about it.

"5ala9 choofi. Ma3laich mna. Leave it all to me l2na I know whats best for you akthar mnch."
She said. So sakrat el salfa.

Ya allah a7een shu asawi. The only girl I actually talk to in my entire school is Maitha, and she's
off somewhere with MY fiancé. 79a was taking more seriously than I am. Well of course, he's her
brother and they're close. She has the freedom to say whatever she wants. However I wasn’t sure
what I wanted. I just kind of mashait wyaha basically.

Wa7een shu ??

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