Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Biitersweet 40

79a opened her Facebook and there it was.
All over the News Feed on the Home Page, pics of 79a and I. Bss hee shu sawat el 7a8eera… she
cropped herself out of the pictures!

"7a8eeeeeera!!!" 79a exclaimed.
"SHIT!" I screamed.
"My brother is going to MURDER ME!" 79oo yelled.
"3al a8al he didn’t see them yet! 7abeebty my brother chaaafhm!!"
"Ow la ba3ad she named the album : <3 " mas5afhaa!"
"6aaa3ii she has all these guys on her friends list!"
"She even has Man9oor!"
"I'm not surprised! That bitch has el 3alam kla!"

I was freaking out! The pictures showed our faces CLEARLY. They were pictures that we TRUSTED her
with! Yom nstahbal in 79a's car, ow at my house ow KLMKAN! Okay bngool loo 9war 7lwa ba3ad! They
were like ugly sa5afa pics of us yom nstahbal ya3nii akeed we wont look like models!

3ala 6ool 79oo called Maitha. The phone rang 5 times bss she didn’t answer.
"5awaafaaaa." 79a shrieked, tossing her phone in her bag. "May59nii Noora lazm tkalmeenha bacher!"
"Ok ok I will! 9ara7a waaaayed zawdat'ha."

The next day I sat in first period Economics class, but Maitha wasn't there. Is she trying to avoid me or
something? Shaklha t3rf 3mrha '3al6ana.

I stared at the clock, it was 25 minutes after class had started. Ya5i wainha hay? I turned around in my
seat and saw Salama sitting a couple of seats behind me, texting. She looked up from her phone and
smiled. But it wasn’t that normal kind smile. It was more like an evil smirk. Bsmlaaaah.

Just then the door opened, and Maitha walked in.
"Sorry I'm late." She told the teacher, placing a late note on her desk.
Maitha chose a seat in the front of the class, so she wouldn’t have to look at me.

Class finally ended, but Maitha left the room so fast I didn’t even see her leave. I started to walk down
the hallway, but she wasn’t anywhere in sight. Wain shrdat ya rabi?

"Have you seen Maitha?" I asked the first person I saw.
"Yeah, tawha sarat 9oob el gym wya gom Salama."

Wallah btchoof! Tshrd 3anii el7aywana? Baraweeha!
I marched to the gym, and I went up straight to her face.

"Choofi, ana mb 8aleelat adab sharatch. Tet7asbain banat el nass l3ba?" I barked at her.
She just looked at me blankly. How stupid!!! So I continued:
"Ms7ii el 9war ib karamtch a7sanlch, ow in ma 5alaitch tindmeen 3alee sawaitee, ma akoon Noora!"

Ow I walked away.

Wallah el sh3oor wayed 3ajeeb! 7sait ena chee.. 6ala3t kil ely f5aa6rii. It was the best feeling ever. I
walked out of the gym completely satisfied with myself. Now I know why 79oo kla t7b tehzb elnass! I
don’t blame her! It feels amazing!

At the end of the day I was so excited to tell 79a what I said. I jumped into her car and told her the
whole story.

"3ashaaat Nawaaarii." She cheered. "I'm so proud!" She giggled.
"I know!"
"Wait, shu ha?" She pointed to my school bag, sitting on my lap.
"My bag?"
"Laa2.. Fii pink sticky note." She reached inside the bag and pulled out a pink sticky note that I've
never seen before.
"Achoof?" I leaned over to see what was written on it.

Nawarii! (Dotting the i's with hearts)
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
And one more time I'm sorry
Bss I don’t blame you if you don’t forgive me. I know ely sawaita unforgivable. I know eny waaayed
went past my 7dood, bss you have to know ena Salama made me do it. I'm not blaming it on her, ow
I'm not saying ena it was her fault, bss agoolch ena kan her idea, wla chan masawaita. I completely
agree ena it was my fault. Ow don't worry the pics are deleted. I just thought that you should know ena
I'm REALLY REALLY sorry, ow I miss have having you ow 79a as my friends.

PS. Ma7ad saw the pics because the only people who could view the album were selected people,
ely hum you, ow 79a ow Man9oor your bro.

"Owaaaih!" 79a said as soon as she was done reading. "5alatna nzg fi hafna a5r shay ga9a 3laina?"
"Enty aaih 7mdii rabch ma7ad saw the pics!"
"Haha adrii adrii." She said, and started driving. "Bss musta7eeeeeeel asam7ha. Who does she think
she is? Messing with us like its funny?!"
"Haih 9a7, 7ata loo tgool ena ma7ad chaf el pics! You never know! If she has the guts to put them on
Facebook, you never know what she can do!" I added.
"True. 5ala9 she lost my trust."

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