Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bittersweet 41

"Shu tbain '3da?" 79a asked

We were on our way to her house because I wanted to take my mind off things, but we decided to
get some form of edible thing to take with us 3an '3da el bait.

"Ayshay…I just want to get to your house." I said, adjusting the car seat shway ta7at.

We decided to enmr Burger King na5th take away ow nrd elbait. 79a parked her car in the driveway in
front of her house since Mayed's car was parked in the garage.

"Mayeds here? Wow I haven’t talked to him in ages!" 79a said.

We each carried a kees into the house, and up the staircase and down the hall to 79a's room. And
that’swhen he came out of his room. Mayed.

Mayed looked like he just woke up from a long sleepless night. His eyes were half open, and his hair
was a complete mess. His facial hair was growing excessively and he could barely stand up straight.
At the sight of him, 79a and I both widened our eyes. He squinted his eyes to make sure he was
seeing right.

"Halla Noora." He greeted me.
I wasn’t sure if I should say hello back or not, because 79a just completely ignored him and walked
into her room. She put down the kees while I stood in between the hallway and 79as room, unsure.

"Ahlain." I replied quietly.

79a heard and immediately popped her head out of the doorway, raising an eyebrow at us.

"Enty shfeech?" Mayed asked in confusion.
"Ana shu feeny?!" 79a stepped out of the room with her hands on her hips. "ANAA shu feeeny??"
"79a chill." I whispered to her.
"Laa laa mashay chill! How can you be so horrible! How can you ow you're ENGAGED. La ba3ad to
MY FRIEND!" she screamed, pointing at me.

Ohhh craaaap… I was afraid of this wallah.

"Not only are you engaged to her, but you go fooling around with our other FRIEND! HAVE YOU NO
"79aa.." Mayed began, but 79oo cut him off.
"No Mayed, YOU listen to me! STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" She yelled, grabbing me into her
room and slamming the door shut.

"5aiba 79oo!!" I said, once the door was locked. "You didn’t have to do all that."
"Yes I did! Wallah there was a time when I actually LIKED my brother, remember?" She said
"Enzain bss mala da3i tfashleen el walad jdami." I pointed out.
"He deserved it." She said coldly.

I swear 79a's temper is like an erupting volcano!


Kaif 3rfaat??

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