Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bittersweet 42

Hessa: PING!!!
Nawari: WHAT?!
Hessa: Next week National Day at our school! Ur Coming!
Nawari: Um…..
Hessa: MASHAY UM! Bteen ya3ni bteen!
Nawari: X_X ookk Jeeez!

"Ba3arfch 3ala wayed banat! You need new friends." 79a said in between her bites of popcorn.
"No thanks." I replied. "Banat your school are like…weird."
"Like banat your school aren’t?"
"Good point."

We were sitting in my room, eating crap and watching crap on TV. The reason we're watching crap
was because 79a broke el PS3. Now I'm completely depressed. It was the night before National Day
at 79a's school, and she was still insisting on bringing me, and insisting I meet new people.

The next day 79a said she'd pick me up and we'd go to her school together. She said she'd come
early so she can t3adlni her own way.
She wasn’t kidding when she said she'd come early. I was still deep in my sleep when she arrived.
She turned on the lights and opened the curtains.

"79oo you can't be serious!" I muttered from under my covers, glancing at the digital clock on my
side table that read 7:00
"Yes I am." She replied, making the most annoying noise with her high heels as she walked over
to my bed. "Now GET UP!" She screamed, pulling the blankets off of me.

Min 9baa7 allah she's all dressed up in her bright yellow thoob and 6a8m almas.
By the time I got up, and washed up, 79a had already pulled out a long satin emerald green gown
from my closet. She ran a brush through my long brown hair and fastened a clip on the side. She
then drew a thick black line over my eyelids and lined my lower lash line with green eyeliner. She
enhanced my cheekbones with some blush and bronzer, and topped off with a pale pink lipstick.

Okay maybe it sounds like we only took 5 minutes but trust me, by the time I checked the clock, it
read 7:45.
We took our time getting to 79oo's school. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t really looking forward to
going there. I've been there several times before and I certainly felt uncomfortable.

As soon as 79a and I walked through the door, all these people rushed towards us to ysalmoon
3ala 79a.

"OMG 79aaaa I LOVE your dress!" W7da said.
"You look GORGEOUS!" Another said.
"AAAH 79ooo!" A random girl shrieked.


"OMG 79a mnu your gorgeous friend?" The first girl referred to me.
"Oh 3alya meet Nawari, my bestiie!" 79a introduced us.
"How ADORABLE!" 3alya shrieked.

Banat 79a's school wayed y9ar5oon

"Yallah lets go. 7amdoo tetrayana bara3!" 3alya grabbed us and pulled us towards the school field.
"Mnu 7amdoo?" I whispered to 79a as we walked to the field.
"Rbee3atna. You're going to like her wallah tjaaanin! Ow you're not leaving this school until you have
at least 3 new people on your BBM list!"

I sighed.

When we finally got to the field, there were tents set up everywhere.

"YOU GUYS!" A loud mab7oo7 voice shouted from behind us.

We all turned around and saw a tall looking person wearing a brown kandoora mal ryayeel with a
white sfra and Ray Ban Aviators, and holding a long wooden 5aizaran.

Next thing I know, 79a is running towards the tall person, about to give a hug.

"7AAAMDOOOOOO!" She exclaimed.

OMG… 7amdoo BOYA ?!

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