Monday, December 27, 2010

Bittersweet 44

Thanksgiving holiday had just started, and MAN9OOR WAS COMING HOME!
His plane was landing very early in the morning, so 79a and I went to go pick him up. We were standing
with all the other people waiting to ysta8bloon their loved ones.

"You know what." I said. "I've always wanted to hold up a sign maktoob WELCOME BACK someone."
"Laa laa mb 7lw." 79a replied. "I want to get off from a plane and have people holding up a sign for me
that says WELCOME BACK 79A!"
I laughed.

We waited about 10 minutes in Starbucks before we saw Man9oor coming out of the baggage claim. He
carried his suitcase with one hand while he waved at us with the other. Behind him, came 7amdan and …


"AWAIH!" 79a shrieked at the sight of him.
"Sktii!" I slapped her arm.
"NAWARI!" Man9oor yelled, jogging towards us. I hugged him, while his friends sorted out the luggage.
"Missed you yal 7mar!" I scolded him.
"Missed you too yal 3anz!"
"7mdlah 3al salama Man9oor." 79a smiled.
"Allah ysalmch 79a." He replied. "Yallah you guys go get the car, ana bayeeb the rest of the luggage."

79a and I went to go get the car. By the time we got outside, 79a estaw3bat ena she forgot her car
keys at our table in Starbucks.

"Crap! Nooroo nsait sweech el sayara! Tmii mkanch don’t go anywhere baseer ayeeba bsr3a ow
And she took off.

I stood there, coincidently a couple of meters away from Rashid and 7amdan who were getting ready
to go home. Surprisingly, Rashid doesn’t look like he just got off of a 16 hour flight. He looked so…clean!
And mratab. He was wearing a white button-down shirt with the collar up, and a black business suit
jacket over it. Dark jeans and black loafers. 7amdan however, made it completely obvious that the flight
was long and tiring.

"Allah y'3arbl el 7ala!" He yelled. "16 hours shu ha! El 86b el shamali sayreen mb Dubai!"
"Ya5i calm down!" Rashid said.
"Laa laa! They stick me in a plane for 16 hours and you expect me to calm down?"  7amdan kept
I could tell Rashid got sick of him (who wouldn’t) because he started to walk over to me. Oh crap!
Wain 79a!?

I was just about to open my mouth to say ' 7mdlah 3al salama '. N7na 3arab ya5i we have to say that
to each other a9lan. Here goes…

"I Missed you." He whispered with a grin on his face followed by a wink, as he walked by me to get
into his car. He closed the door, and they took off…

That’s it.


"What's up with your face?" 79a's voice suddenly broke the silence.
"Ha?" was all I managed to say. I was confused.
"Balach?" She said again.
"Hmm.. nothing." I said.
79a shrugged.

 By the time we got the car to the entrance of the airport, Man9oor was standing with his luggage
ready to leave. I still had the same straight/confused face. What was up with that anyway? He can't
just do that! Last time I saw him, he left me in tears, not knowing where my heart was. Now he comes
back after what seemed like an eternity and just say "Missed you"? Eb kil brooda?

I was MAD! And CONFUSED! And….ma3rf ma3rf! 79oo noticed the weird expression on my face but she
didn’t say anything. She knew something was up but no way was she going to say anything in front of
Man9oor.We headed back to my house and went straight up to my room. Man9oor went straight to sleep
since it was in the middle of the night California time.

"So whats up with you?!" 79a asked as soon as we shut the door.
"Ma3rf ma3rf!"
"What did Rashid say?"
"What makes you think that he said something to me?" I asked.
"Obviously it had something to do with him! You wouldn’t be this weird broo7ch for no reason in less
than 5 minutes."

I sighed and told her.

"What the hell?" 79a said confusedly.
"I know!"
"He's so hot!"
"Wallah! His attitude! Hottness!"

79a walked over to my laptop which was opened to my Facebook page. She sat down going through
people's profiles for a couple of minutes before she screamed out:

"Bsmlaah Shu feech?" I gasped
"I found him! I found him!" She chanted

79oo yal stalker!

"Lets check out his photos! I bet they're sexy!" She beamed, immediately going to his albums.
"7a8eeeeer!" She gasped.
"What now?"
"5agag! You can only see his pics if you're on his friends list!" She pointed out.
"Oh well."
"Shut up! I want to see pics!" 79a el 3needa said, and she sent him a request.
"79aaa nooo!!!!"
"3adi 3adi."
"LA2!" I snapped. "How desperate!"
"He wont even notice ena it's you. 6a3i how many girls he has on his list."

I cringed with jealousy at the huge number of girls.

In less than a minute, he accepted my (or should I say 79a's) request. Suddenly, a box appeared on
the screen. It was a Facebook chat window. RASHID'S Facebook chat window!

Rashid: Halla wallah

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