Friday, December 31, 2010

Bittersweet 46

Sitting a couple of tables away were Rashid and 7amdan. And he was staring straight at us.

"Anyway Shammani… nice seeing you again! See you soon! Call me!" 79a said, going back to
our table.

I couldn’t see them since their table was facing my back, but 79a got a perfect view.

"Tra 3a fkra he's still looking our way." 79a whispered.
"La2! Don't turn around!" She muttered under her breath.
"Why not?"
"Because they're getting up!"
"Wallah. Shut up they're coming this way!"

I kept my head down, and in a few seconds, I saw a pair of dark jeans appear before us.

"Halla bl zaain." He said. From the sound of his voice I could tell he was smiling, but I refused to
look up. 79a however answered him;
"Ahlain." She said coldly pretending to look at the drink's menu.
"Sh7alkm?" He asked.
"B5air." 79a answered him.
"Enshallah doom."


"So Noora," Rashid began. "Where's Man9oor?"
"Tstahbal?" 7amdan suddenly spoke. "Man9oor told us 10 minutes ago that he has a date."

I was still looking down so I could see Rashid kicking 7amdan's leg to tell him to shut up. I tried to
hold my laugh.

"Laish t'67keen?" He asked.

I finally looked up at his face. His gorgeous, perfectly geometric constructed face. He was smiling.
That killer smile that brought back memories. Oh how much I missed the warmth of that smile.

Out of no where, he grabbed a chair from a random table and sat down.

Just like that!

"Enta aaih! Shu tsawi?" 7amdan stood next to him.
"What does it look like I'm doing? Sitting down with a couple of friends." He answered him casually.

OMG kaif jareeeeeeee2. No way! Not in a place as public as Dubai Mall! 79a on the other hand
was going to burst out laughing any second. She enjoyed the freak show he was putting on. Mb

"Um, if you didn’t get the memo, we're not friends." I eyed him.
"Nawari 3aib." She whispered. She wanted this to keep going. To her it was entertainment.

I got up to leave before we get seen by anyone and it turns into a huge issue.

"You coming 79a?" I gave her a straight look.

79a finally got the hint and got up.

"Afaa." I heard 7amdan say as we walked out of Vintage. "Ya5i awal mara achoof bnt mb mayta feek!"

Little did he know…

After an awkward lunch, 79a dropped me off at home. I threw myself on the big brown sofa and
flipped through the TV. A couple of minutes later, the door swung open and slammed shut. It made
such a loud noise to the point where it seemed like the walls were going to fall. I stood up to see
what was going on when I saw that it was Man9oor who had just come home from his date.

"Ufff!" He yelled, sitting next to me on the sofa.
"Didn’t go so well?" I asked.
"Not only was she talking to other guys, every time a guy walked into the restaurant she'd give him
a look." He blurted. "8aleelat adab wallah ma tam 7ad fi Dubai ma kalmata!"

At first I wanted to laugh because seriously, it was pretty funny seeing my big brother like this. But I
pretended to be the "supportive" younger sister.

"It's okay Man9oor. There's plenty of fish in the sea." I 5araft.

Bzz Bzzz – Man9oor's phone vibrated.

"Uff." He said looking at the screen. Obviously it was "her" who was calling. He tossed the phone
on the couch and went upstairs to change.

Being the nosy sister that I am, I picked up the phone and read the name flashing on the screen:

Incoming Call

Could it be? Naah There are a million Salamas in the world. But then, how many of them are
8aleelat adab and know every guy in Dubai? Hmmm… I couldn’t help but assume.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bittersweet 45

"Shooo agooola?" I panicked.
"Mmm.. I suggest you say hi back." 79a said sarcastically. Sa5eefa!
"Maba!" I decided to ignore him, and continued to browse through my notifications.

Rashid: Don't ignore me Noora.


Rashid: I know you're there.


Rashid: Don’t act stupid Noora. Y6la3 3ndi ena you’re updating your status -.-
Noora: OH!


Rashid: Tawa elnass
Noora: =)
Rashid: T'6a7keen. Missed you.
Noora: =)
Rashid: So you didn’t miss me?
Noora: …..
Rashid: I want to see you
Noora: No
Rashid: Why?!
Noora: Because I'm a respectable bnt el nass ow ma3ndi hal swalf.
Rashid: Then why did you add me? ;)
Noora: It's just Facebook.
Rashid: La2. You’re into me.
Noora: NO!
Rashid: Chathaba.
Noora: T8har.
Rashid: Cuz I'm right.
Noora: Whatever.
Rashid: St7aity?
Noora: La2
Rashid: Chathaba
Noora: UFF
Rashid: Hahahaha xD You're different.
Noora: Gee thanks
Rashid: In a good way wallah!
Noora: =|
Rashid: Latz3leen, I'm really into you too.
Noora: What?
Rashid: Yupp.
Noora: Huh??
Rashid: Gotta Go. Talk to you later. Bye now

Rashid – Offline

OH MY GOSH! Y8haaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.

"WOW!" 79a shrieked. "He is HOT!"
"79oo!" I snapped.
"Don’t '79oo' me! He's hot and you know it!"
"Okay ow ya3ni?"
"Chub be thankful! At least you got a GUY to like you!" She sighed, remembering salfat 7amdo.


That night Man9oor was a bit jetlagged so I decided to stay up with him to watch a movie. We sat in
the upstairs' 9alaa on the HUGE brown sofa surrounded by popcorn and candy. I had on my comfiest
pajamas and wore one pink sock and one blue one. Man9oor had on his oversized navy blue hoodie
mal jam3a and pajama pants. I missed these nights with my brother. We would talk and laugh more
than actually watch the movie.

"Btw." Man9oor began. "Tra I came back to Dubai for a reason."
"La wallah? Ya3ni mb 3shan tchoof your beloved family?"
"Just listen," He chuckled. "There's this girl."


"Balach?" He said.
"Mashay mashay. Continue."
"First date bacher. Any tips?" He said while munching on a handful of popcorn.
"How cute! Man9oor 3nda daaaate!" I giggled.
"Chub mb awal mara! Bss hay a7s '3air."
"Ok choof! Aham shay tkoon honest! Ow ba3ad trust aham shay! Ow ba3ad lazm you make her feel
like the luckiest girl in the world."
"5aiba film Hindi! What have you been doing while I'm gone yal 7mara." He playfully hit me on my
"Shut up and watch the movie." I laughed.

Halfway through the movie I started to think. I started to think about Mayed, and where he and I stand.
What if I go through with this marriage and end up hating my life. I looked over at Man9oor who even
though was stuffing his face with popcorn, noticed the tension in my eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked, pausing the movie.
"I was just thinking."
"About Mayed and the engagement." I said in the saddest tone ever.
"Oh." He said, sitting up straight to face me. "How do you feel about the whole situation?"
"I don’t know. Scared I guess."
"Hal shay 6abee3y."
"Adri bss, I'm not ready, you know?"
"Noora, your happiness is important to me, ow you have to be sure about what makes you happy."

I sat their quietly and he continued.
"Just tell me what you want, after all, it's your life."

I looked deep into my brother's eyes. My eyes were filled with tears because of how much I loved
him. I love my brother gad el dnya.

"I don’t want to get married to Mayed." I sniffed.
"5ala9 if that's what you want, don’t worry. Bnf9a5 el 56ooba."

I sniffed some more.

"5ala9 don’t cry." He put his arm around me. "Everything's going to be fine, I’ll take care of everything.
You just take care of yourself okay?"

I nodded.


The next day 79a and I decided to go to the Dubai Mall for lunch.

In the car:

"So where are we going to eat?" I asked.
"VINTAGE!" 79a screamed.
"7abeebty we're having lunch! Tbain t'3adeena chocolate?"
"La wallah yjaaanin! Vintage ya3ni Vintage!"

When we arrived at the mall and took a table at Vintage Chocolate Lounge, I told 79a about the very
interesting conversation I had with Man9oor the previous night.

"Oh my gosh how cuuuute!" She said.
"Adrii! I never thought my brother would actually feel love!" I giggled.

After we told the waiter what we wanted, 79a spotted a baby sitting on the table opposite from ours.

"Yjaaaaaanin!" She shrieked. She has an issue with babies. Wayed tmoot feehm!

She stood up from her chair.

"What are you doing yal habla?" I whispered.
"3aaadi I know hal baby! He's i5oo my friend! Aki yalsa wyaa! Yallah goomi bnsalm." She pulled me off
my seat to go say hi.
"Baby 3azooooooooz! Halla 7abeeby sh7aaaaalk." She kept playing with his curls before finally saying
hi to his sister who was giggling at her.
"Halla 79oo." The girl spoke.
"Ahlain Shammani! 79a greeted her. "Mashallah 3azooz m7laaw!" They talked for a few minutes while
I stood there quietly.


79a noticed the shock in my face and gave me a look but I ignored.


6ala3t my phone and started pinging 79a trying to get her attention. I want her to notice what I
just noticed!

"Dgeega my phone is vibrating." She put the baby down and checked the convo.

Nawari: PING!!!
Hessa: WHAT?!
Nawari: Look 3ala your left.

79a turned her head towards the left and her jaw dropped open in shock.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bittersweet 44

Thanksgiving holiday had just started, and MAN9OOR WAS COMING HOME!
His plane was landing very early in the morning, so 79a and I went to go pick him up. We were standing
with all the other people waiting to ysta8bloon their loved ones.

"You know what." I said. "I've always wanted to hold up a sign maktoob WELCOME BACK someone."
"Laa laa mb 7lw." 79a replied. "I want to get off from a plane and have people holding up a sign for me
that says WELCOME BACK 79A!"
I laughed.

We waited about 10 minutes in Starbucks before we saw Man9oor coming out of the baggage claim. He
carried his suitcase with one hand while he waved at us with the other. Behind him, came 7amdan and …


"AWAIH!" 79a shrieked at the sight of him.
"Sktii!" I slapped her arm.
"NAWARI!" Man9oor yelled, jogging towards us. I hugged him, while his friends sorted out the luggage.
"Missed you yal 7mar!" I scolded him.
"Missed you too yal 3anz!"
"7mdlah 3al salama Man9oor." 79a smiled.
"Allah ysalmch 79a." He replied. "Yallah you guys go get the car, ana bayeeb the rest of the luggage."

79a and I went to go get the car. By the time we got outside, 79a estaw3bat ena she forgot her car
keys at our table in Starbucks.

"Crap! Nooroo nsait sweech el sayara! Tmii mkanch don’t go anywhere baseer ayeeba bsr3a ow
And she took off.

I stood there, coincidently a couple of meters away from Rashid and 7amdan who were getting ready
to go home. Surprisingly, Rashid doesn’t look like he just got off of a 16 hour flight. He looked so…clean!
And mratab. He was wearing a white button-down shirt with the collar up, and a black business suit
jacket over it. Dark jeans and black loafers. 7amdan however, made it completely obvious that the flight
was long and tiring.

"Allah y'3arbl el 7ala!" He yelled. "16 hours shu ha! El 86b el shamali sayreen mb Dubai!"
"Ya5i calm down!" Rashid said.
"Laa laa! They stick me in a plane for 16 hours and you expect me to calm down?"  7amdan kept
I could tell Rashid got sick of him (who wouldn’t) because he started to walk over to me. Oh crap!
Wain 79a!?

I was just about to open my mouth to say ' 7mdlah 3al salama '. N7na 3arab ya5i we have to say that
to each other a9lan. Here goes…

"I Missed you." He whispered with a grin on his face followed by a wink, as he walked by me to get
into his car. He closed the door, and they took off…

That’s it.


"What's up with your face?" 79a's voice suddenly broke the silence.
"Ha?" was all I managed to say. I was confused.
"Balach?" She said again.
"Hmm.. nothing." I said.
79a shrugged.

 By the time we got the car to the entrance of the airport, Man9oor was standing with his luggage
ready to leave. I still had the same straight/confused face. What was up with that anyway? He can't
just do that! Last time I saw him, he left me in tears, not knowing where my heart was. Now he comes
back after what seemed like an eternity and just say "Missed you"? Eb kil brooda?

I was MAD! And CONFUSED! And….ma3rf ma3rf! 79oo noticed the weird expression on my face but she
didn’t say anything. She knew something was up but no way was she going to say anything in front of
Man9oor.We headed back to my house and went straight up to my room. Man9oor went straight to sleep
since it was in the middle of the night California time.

"So whats up with you?!" 79a asked as soon as we shut the door.
"Ma3rf ma3rf!"
"What did Rashid say?"
"What makes you think that he said something to me?" I asked.
"Obviously it had something to do with him! You wouldn’t be this weird broo7ch for no reason in less
than 5 minutes."

I sighed and told her.

"What the hell?" 79a said confusedly.
"I know!"
"He's so hot!"
"Wallah! His attitude! Hottness!"

79a walked over to my laptop which was opened to my Facebook page. She sat down going through
people's profiles for a couple of minutes before she screamed out:

"Bsmlaah Shu feech?" I gasped
"I found him! I found him!" She chanted

79oo yal stalker!

"Lets check out his photos! I bet they're sexy!" She beamed, immediately going to his albums.
"7a8eeeeer!" She gasped.
"What now?"
"5agag! You can only see his pics if you're on his friends list!" She pointed out.
"Oh well."
"Shut up! I want to see pics!" 79a el 3needa said, and she sent him a request.
"79aaa nooo!!!!"
"3adi 3adi."
"LA2!" I snapped. "How desperate!"
"He wont even notice ena it's you. 6a3i how many girls he has on his list."

I cringed with jealousy at the huge number of girls.

In less than a minute, he accepted my (or should I say 79a's) request. Suddenly, a box appeared on
the screen. It was a Facebook chat window. RASHID'S Facebook chat window!

Rashid: Halla wallah