Monday, September 20, 2010

Bittersweet 1

You know that feeling towards the end of the summer when you're so excited and
you cant wait to go back to school? You bought all your new school stuff min el sfar,
bag, notebooks, binders etc. and you just want to see everyone back at school. I feel t
he complete opposite right now! I do NOT want to go back to school. Nothing personal
against my school though. It's a pretty good school compared to others I've seen
around Dubai.

It's just that all the girls at school REALLY get on my nerves. And I don't mean like
those selfish mean girls that they always have in those American movies, bss those
annoying 5agagat girls who care about nothing but themselves, and their only interest
in life is boys.

Anyway, it was at the very end of summer, and school was starting in a couple
of days and I was sooo not in the mood for anything. Just thinking about it made
me depressed!

"Noora!! Noora yallah stwa el '6hr ow enti b3adch ragda ?!" my mom's high
pitched voice awakened me from my slumber. And since I was fii sab3 nooma all
I could reply back was; "Mmmm !!!"
"Noora yallah goomi" She continued. "Lazm et3adleen rgadch 7ag el mdrsa!"

Gosh that word always depresses me. Mdrsa. I'm going to have to ajabl hal ashkal
for 11 months!!
Yaa rabi!

I was forced to wake up after only 5 hours of sleep thanks to 79a who refused to hang
up the phone until 7 el9b7. 79a is the only person in the whole world who knows every
single detail about my life. What time I wake up, what time I sleep, when I'm eating,
even when I'm in the bathroom! She just magically knows! Wallah hal ensana fa'6ee3a
ma3rf min wain it6al3 information. Bss la thats good 3shan she has major stalking skills
which come in very handy!

Anyway, today 79a and I decided to enjoy our last taste of freedom before we start
our senior year. 3gb ma I showered and ate and got dressed, I noticed my BB light
flashing. Without a doubt, I was sure 79a 7arga my BBM with pings. I was right.

Hessa : PING!!!
            ANA A7EEN YAYAA!

Does this girl ever sleep? Wallah t'6a7kny. I grabbed my handbag and ran downstairs
to the living room to find that 79a was already there chatting with my mom and
drinking tea.

"9a7 elnoom sleeping beauty!" 79a joked. We said goodbye to my mom, and
headed outside to 79a's car. Yes, her parents let her drive because they're cool like
that. She takes me everywhere.
We hopped in her little silver Porsche and took off to our favorite place to have lunch.

I ordered my usual spicy buffalo wings, while 79a ordered a salad. I love to enjoy what
I eat, so I dug into my wings and made a huge mess.

"Shway shway Nawari! People are staring!" She whispered, trying not to laugh
"3adii kla ajanb who cares." I smiled back and continued eating. I was so caught up
in my wings I almost didn’t notice the look on 79a's face.

"79oo shu feech ?" I said to her.
"Oh my GOSH!!" She quietly shrieked. I couldn’t tell if she was looking at me or
behind me. So I turned around and it was all clear.
The most gorgeous ma5loo8 I've ever seen was sitting behind us. He has the broadest
shoulders and thickest darkest eyebrows. His eyelashes were so long I could see each
sha3ra from across the restaurant. I don’t know if that gorgeous tan was natural or it's
just the lighting in the restaurant.
That’s when he noticed us staring. OMG!
He just smiled and pointed at his nose. I gave him a confused look. What's up with
his nose? Then I realized. I HAD SPICY SAUCE ALL OVER MY FACE.

"SHIT!" I muttered under my breath and quickly wiped it with napkin. He then giggled
and gave me a thumbs up to indicate that it was gone.
79a couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of our lunch. My entire face was red, and not just
because the sauce was too spicy. It was the most embarrassing thing ever. We decided
to quickly finish our lunch so we can leave ASAP!

As soon as we paid the bill and got up to leave, the silence of the restaurant was
interrupted with a loud ;

"RASHOOD!" said a thick heavy voice that belonged to a guy that just walked into 
the ma63am. A second later we heard ;

"7AMDAN!" and the extremely gorgeous guy who was sitting behind us got up and
salam 3la the dude that walked in.

Before anything else happened, we were gone in a flash. I could see Rashid from the
window looking around the ma63am, when he spotted us getting into the car and
driving off.

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