Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bittersweet 50

After we showered and cleaned up, Amoon had a great idea:

"Shraykm we go on the roof, and roast marshmellows!" She said with a gleam in her eye.

We were just as excited as she was, so we got the fa7am, and a bunch of pillows and iPod speakers
and set it up all on the roof. It was dark; bright glistening stars lit the sky instead of white florescent
bulbs. The breeze was slightly cooler creating an amazing sensation as we sat around the warmth of
the fa7am. Even though we each had on cozy tracksuits, we still snuggled against each other under a
huge fuzzy blanket as we roasted our marshmellows.

"I like mine burnt." Amoon said, pushing her stick closer to the fa7am.
"A3! Its black!" 79a said disgusted.
"Wallah 7low! Min da5l che melted ow gooey ow yjanin!" Amoon demonstrated, lighting her
marshmallow on fire until the whole thing turned black. Once it stopped flaming, she bit into it exposing
the molten pink interior.

Bzzzz Bzzzzz (my phone rang)

Incoming Call
Man9oor Bro

"Hey." I put on my sama3a so I can enjoy my marshmellow.
"Halla, wainkm?" He asked.
"On the roof. You?"
"3al ba7ar. Listen, shu tboon 3sha? We're ordering Burger King."
"Ummm.. Wait I'll ask them…GUYS! Shut boon min Burger King?" I glanced over at them.
"Ma3rf! I don’t know el menu mal Burger King!" Amoon shrugged.
"Wala ana. We're McDonalds people!" She fluttered her eyelashes.
" *Sigh* fine, alo Man9oor? Ma3rf. Order what looks good." I said to him.
"Uhhh.. Okay sure. Yallah I'll send the order over as soon as it gets here." He said.
"Thanks. Bye."

"Lets play chubby bunny!" I announced as soon as I hung up. 79a and Amoon looked at me awkwardly.
"Shu ba3ad ha chubby bunny?" 79a raised an eyebrow at me.

"It’s a game! Its so much fun, choofoo, you put a marshmellow in your mouth." I explained, "and
say CHUBBY BUNNY! And then you add another marshmellow and say CHUBBY BUNNY. Then
keep adding marshmellows until you stuff your entire mouth while still trying to say CHUBBY
BUNNY without spitting any of the marshmellows out!"

"Ew." 79a's eyebrow was still raised at me.
"3ajeeeeb!" Amoon beamed, and reached for the marshmellow bag. Mashallah she got up to 8
marshmellows while still being able to say CHUBBY BUNNY, but when she tried to go for the ninth,
we experienced a marshmellow spit bomb, and it wasn’t pretty.

"Dooori!" 79a grabbed the marshmellows. Mskeena she could only go up to 5 marshmellows before
spitting. I however managed to get to 6 marshmellows, leaving Amoon as our CHUBBY BUNNY

"This stupid game made me thirsty!" 79a complained.
"Nooroo seery yeebeelna juice, pleeeeeease." Amoon fluttered her eyelashes at me.

I grabbed my iPod and headed downstairs to get Their Highnesses Shai5a 79a and Shai5a Amna
juice. I bobbed my head to Ke$ha's "Take it off" as I grabbed the lemonade from the fridge and
poured it into 3 glasses.

Apparently, I was so mindamja fi Ke$ha that I didn’t hear the repetitive knocking on the kitchen's
glass screen door. The redundant knocking kept going but the music was blaring so loud from my
headphones that I still didn’t hear it. As soon as I placed the 3 glasses on a tray, and turned around
to carry it upstairs, Rashid randomly appeared in my face!

"AAAH!" I screamed, dropping the tray, spilling the juice all over the floor, and shattering the glass
into a million tiny pieces.
"I'm so sorry!" He panicked. "Don't move!"

He moved the glass across the floor with his shoe since I was standing there barefoot. He then
grabbed the mop and wiped a clear path to the barstool.

"Careful not to step on any glass." He said, continuing to mop.

I just stared blankly at him, before finally walking to the barstool that was high enough to lift my feet
off the floor. I was so shocked I was unclear of what to do or say first! Why was he in my house?
Why was he mopping? And HOW did he get in here?! Where's Man9oor?

"I'm sorry." He repeated, not looking up from the ground.
"What are you doing here?" I managed to say.
"I came to bring you guys this." He pulled out a Burger King bag, setting it on the counter.
"Man9oor asked me to give it to the nanny, but… you know."
"Why didn’t you just knock?" I asked.
"I did." He chuckled, eyeing the iPod in my hands. I immediately blushed.
"Well, it's okay, I can take it from here." I said, about to get up.
"No! Sit! There's still glass everywhere and you're not wearing shoes." He said. "Besides, I
wanted to apologize."
"It's okay, it's just glass."
"No not that, about earlier today, on the beach." He said, looking embarrassed.
"Oh." I completely FLUSHED with embarrassment.
"Look, wallah I honestly didn’t know you guys would be bara3." He explained. "I didn’t see
anything, I swear, but I really was pushing the daraja back into the garage. We were going to fill it
up with gas and take it out but el muhm, I just wanted you to know ena I truly respect you and I
didn’t mean to put you in that position."  

Awkwaaard! What was I supposed to say to that?! Why does he feel so comfortable around me? Like
he can do or say anything, and I'm so numb and speechless?! It wasn’t fair!

"Shfeech?" He smiled. Oh god…
"Hm? Oh nothing. Its okay, I guess. It wasn’t your fault." I couldn't look at him. I don’t know why!

He's coming closer… OH GOD! Why's he doing this to me?!

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