Monday, January 2, 2012

Bittersweet 57

79a and I headed straight for The Dubai Mall after school for lunch, then shopping for 7amdo's party. After I begged 79at to let us have Crepes for lunch, we finally went to Granny's Waffles. It's nice and quiet and the crepes are amazing!

"So Maitha talked to me today." I randomly blurted out after my first bite.

79a took a sip out of her lemonade and said; "Oh really? What does that psycho want now?"
"Actually, nothing." I replied. "She was standing in line behind me as we were signing up for CEPA."
"Awana she's doing CEPA?" 79a chuckled. "With her IQ, I'd be surprised if she passed TOEFL."

After lunch, 79a went hunting for a dress for the party. She headed straight for Sauce. Sauce wouldn't be my first choice, but 79a seems to LOVE it. She tried on 3 dresses before deciding on a pale pink chiffon dress.

"So...? Where do you wanna go now?" 79a said, stuffing the receipt in her wallet.

I'm not very good with choosing certain stores, so what's better than a department store? We headed to Galleries Lafayette for more variety. There were racks and racks of choices, but i just wanted something simple and chic.

"I like this." I pulled out a white silky knee length dress. It had a tiny black round collar with three black buttons under it. A single, almost invisible thread was sewn into the waist of the dress to add volume to the torso. The sleeves were half length, which I thought was very conservative.

"I LOVE IT!" 79a shrieked. "It's so you!"

As i was paying for the dress, I began to feel excited to wear it to the party. Finally, I'm starting to live again!


We decided to get dressed at 79a's, since she has all the stuff we need to get ready. With her pale pink dress, 79a wore nude heels and diamond studs with a matching necklace. She painted her nails nude pink to go with the outfit. As for me, 79a lent me her black platform heels, that were EXTREMELY difficult to walk in, but she insisted I wear them.
79a looked great with her makeup done, but now it was time for her to do mine. (God, please don't let it be a nightmare)

"SHWYYY BESS!" I warned her before she started.
"OKAY! STOP MOVING!" She yelled, holding the eyeliner brush in her hand.

She swept the brush across my eyelid, pulling it slightly upwards towards the end. She added false lashes and coated them with mascara. She selected a rosy blush and a cherry red lipstick to complete the look.
I actually kind of liked it.

"YOU LOOK AMAZING!" She shrieked!
I smiled at my reflection. I grabbed my pear studs and matching necklace, and we took off.

The party took place at 7amdo's house, which was not very far from 79a's. When we finally got there, we did one last full-outfit checkup before we entered the house.
Once we entered, there was a long wide hallway of buffet tables on each side. At the end of the hallway was a big screen door that was opened to an outdoor pool area. We could already hear the music blasting from the gigantic speakers, and girls dancing all over the place.

"79AAAA!" A high pitched voice echoed down the hallway. I recognized it. It was 3alya.
"Hiiii!" 79a greeted her.
"Nawari you look AMAAZING!" She shrieked. I swear I'm going to go deaf from this girl. I greeted her and she led us into the party.
"Hallaaa!" A deep mab7oo7 voice was heard once we'd walked outside. Without turning to see who it was, I automatically knew it was 7amdo.
"7aaaamda! 9adeeee8ty el 9adooo8a!" 79a got all excited and gave her the biggest hug ever. I could tell 7amdo 3aybtnha el salfa 3ad. *awkward*
"And Noora!" She finally noticed me standing there. I think she was too occupied from staring at 79a. We greeted each other and 7amdo led us through the crowd of dancing girls to a table by a mini waterfall.
"Leave your stuff here! Yallah goomo rg9oo!" 7amdo insisted.
"I'm good I'll just stay here..." I said, and sat down.
"I can't dance!" 79a giggled.
"Chathaba! I've seen you dance and you're amaaaazing! Yallah 3gi 3abatch! Dance with me!" 7amda didn't really give her a choice. She practically stripped her out of her 3aba and grabbed her towards the dance floor.

7amdo didn't look that bad though. She was dressed in black high waist pants fastened with a tiny electric blue patent leather belt. She wore a loose white buttoned up shirt and electric blue loafers. She wasn't really that bad looking. Actually, she was one of the most good looking masculine girls I've ever seen.

I watched 79a as she smiled a mile wide while she was dancing with 7amda.
"Aren't they cute together?" A high pitched voice sighed next to me. I turned to my right to find 3alya sitting there. I almost forgot about her.
"Who? 79a and 7amda?" I pretended I didn't know what she was talking about.
"Yeah." She sighed. "79a's playing hard to get, but 7amdo won't give up. It's making her want 79a more."


"Um..ok ymkn 79a ma tba." I said. OBVIOUSLY ma tba are you kidding me.
"Please!" 3alya laughed. "79a likes her and everybody knows it. I mean, look at her!"

I turned back to look at 79a. She and 7amdo were having the time of their lives holding hands while dancing. 79a's smile stretched so wide, she was going to get wrinkles by the end of the night. You could see the sparkle in her eyes from the top floor of the house. She laughed and giggled so many times, I'm starting to doubt her humor.

This could not be happening. 


  1. Perfect

    Post soon
    pls lat5aleen 79oowh w 7amdoowh y7eboon b36' Lana it's wayed eww

  2. Amzaing storyyyy you've got
    we want some juicy details and love scenes
    noorah and rashid are cuteee together *.*
    what happened to mayed? did they call off the engagement
    we want some interesting and exciting events!!!!
