Monday, January 2, 2012

Bittersweet 56


I've been so busy.
Actually, i've been trying hard to keep myself busy. Every time i had just a little free time, i looked for something to occupy it. Studying, reading, more studying, visiting family, taking tests, more studying. The past month has been hectic because i made it hectic.

"NOORA!" 79a yelled.

She was standing in the doorway of my room as i walked in and out of it about 10 times. I was re arranging my room and furniture was everywhere. I thought it would be a good project for me to focus on.

"Can you just STAND STILL for 5 seconds?!" She continued to yell.

I didn't answer her but just stood there with blank expression.

"What is WRONG with you? I only see you once a week. We never go out. You're always doing stuff and i have NO ONE to gossip with!" She complained.
"There's a side table out in the hallway. Can you please drag it in here for me?" I said.

79a just gave me a fake smile, but still got my side table. I knew she was right, but i was being stubborn and annoying. Kaify, my life! I can do whatever i want and if re arranging my room keeps me busy, then i'll do it.

"Okay, you seriously need to loosen up, you uptight miserable moron!" 79a declared.
"I'm not miserable!" I denied.
"Laaaa mooool." 79a said sarcastically. "Look, 7amdo's having a party, and you're coming with me or I'll slam you on the head with this side table."
"Asfa." I said without even looking up.
"No no, you don't have a choice." She insisted.
"I have to take my ELITS next weekend!" I came up with the first excuse that came to my head.
"Good, cuz the party's this weekend." 79a smiled widely.
"Oh! Um, I mean..." I stutterd.
"NO EXCUSES!" She yelled. "You're gonna go to that party if it's the last thing i do!"
"Who is 7amdo anyway?!" I asked.
"A girl." She answered.
"Laykoon that girl who was into you?" I giggled.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" She denied.
"LIAR! She's the girl that had a thing for you! Isn't she?" I laughed.
"She's a friend of mine and she just happens to be throwing a party that we are invited to. So let's not be rude and go to it! End of discussion."

Wow! Well that was funny. You know what, maybe 79a's right. I need to a'3ayr jaw! I mean, how am i going to deal with the rest of the semester? By studying and all that crap. I have a life! And i need to get on with it!

"We'll go shopping tomorrow." I smiled at her, hoping to calm her down.
"THERE'S THE NAWARI WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE." She said as her face suddenly lit up.


I was standing outside the secretary's office, waiting to register for my CEPA exam, when the weirdest thing happened to me.

"Noora?" A soft voice behind me said.

I turned around to find that it was Maitha. It's been a while since I've talked to her. Actually, it's been a while since I've seen her. She's never around, or when she is i dont really pay that much attention. She got a haircut, and a couple of new ear piercings, but everything else was pretty much the same. She had the same big brown eyes. The same extremely long eyelashes. The same porcelain complexion.

"Hey." I said coldly. Yes, after all this time, I'm still not talking to this girl. She has guts like you wouldn't believe and she just can't be trusted.
"You're signing up for CEPA?" She asked, awanha interested.
No way, Sherlock. Why would I be standing here holding my passport and ID? "Mm." I mm-ed in agreement.
"Yeah me too!" She said, trying to start a conversation.

She obviously got the hint that I didn't want to talk to her, so she just didn't say anything after that. I walked into that office wla chana she talked to me. And I'm never planning on having another conversation with that girl ever again. 

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