Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bittersweet 55


Well that was an interesting trip.
I'm just glad to be home from such a chaotic trip. 6ab3an, this is the last time 79a would wan't to come with us to Ras El 5aima, and i dont blame her. The girl caught on fire for crying out loud. But i gotta admit, it was pretty funny... Sorry 79a

As for the whole Rashid situation, 79a and Amoon got pretty bored about it, and stopped bringing it up. That hasn't stopped me from thinking about him. He's been on my mind every single minute of every single day, but i was to chicken to bring him up. So like a sad little child, i waited all day for some one to bring him up. Unfortunately, no one did. The closest i ever heard of Rashid was when Man9oor announced that him and his friends will be flying back to California. He says they'll be staying there until the end of the semester, so I won't see my brother for about 5 months straight. But i knew deep, waaaay deep down that it wasn't my brother that i was worried about not seeing. *sigh* 5 months seems like a lifetime


I've made up my mind. I'm flying back to California, and staying there. Not only for the rest of the semester, but at least until i finish my bachelors degree. I knew i couldn't go back. I knew i wont be able to control myself. It's going to be the hardest thing ever to be in the same city as her, and have to stay as far away from her as possible. I knew i wouldn't be able to do it. I don't want to cause any more trouble for her than i already have. I'll let the girl live her life without having to deal with me and my issues. 5ala9, I'm going to step out of her life. It's for the best, for both of us.


Who knew senior year would be this hard? So many standardized tests to take, so many meetings, applications and trips to schedule. There are so many things to take care of, and exams are right around the corner. Allah y3een.

It's been halfway through a month since Ras El 5aima. It's been ... strange. I'm getting mixed signals from Rashid. It's like, he was trying so hard to get my attention in Ras El 5aima, and now since we've been back, i haven't heard a single word from him. It's like, he disappeared from the face of the universe. Since I've known Rashid, i knew he was the type of guy who goes after what he wants, regardless of the boundaries. And once he wants something, he'll do the impossible to have it. Why has he stopped chasing? Why hasn't he tried to get a hold of me? Has he suddenly lost interest? Has he grown tired of me?

Or maybe it wasn't any of that! Maybe it was Man9oor! Maybe he knows something!

Did he notice anything? Were we that obvious? Man9oor isn't an idoit! Akeed he noticed something. Maybe he SAW something, and we just don't know it. Maybe he SAW us at some point, and asked Rashid to leave me alone. Maybe something serious happened! Maybe Man9oor and Rashid stopped being friends because of something he SAW!

Or maybe I'm just jumping into conclusions. Yeah i'm probably just overreacting. It's time for them to return to their studies. They are studying to get their bachelors after all. Yes, they have to start working for their future and i should just move on. When the time comes, then we'll see where we're at. He'll come back, I know he will. He didn't work so hard all this time for nothing. He's just going back to finish his bachelors. Yes, he'll be back during semester break. And i'll most definitely see him. And it'll be just like old times. Where we both felt something there, and went after it. I enjoyed the feeling and really didn't want to lose it. I can't wait till he's back, and the whole chase starts over again. Lets just wait for this semester to be over, then the real action can start... Again.