Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bittersweet 53


Even though I'm smiling like an idiot, inside I'm like: SHIT SHIT SHIT!
Ana wallah '3abi! You don’t just say these things to random girls, cuz what do girls do best? TALK!
Ow I'm 100% sure that 79a is not only going to tell Noora how I feel, but she's going to tbaaaaaal'3!
Adreebha hay hb hayna!

"Enta aaih!" 7amdan's irritating voice interrupted my thoughts. "Quit daydreaming ow help me carry
this cooler to the 6arad!"

Shalait 3mri min mkaani ow went over to my sad excuse of a best friend to carry the cooler.

"Sooooo." 7amdan winked from across the cooler as I carried one side and he carried the other.
Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood for his stupidness, bs shu asawi, I never am. So might as well go with it…

"So what?" I replied.
"Whats new?"
"With what?"
"You knooooow." He teased.
"7amdan, seriously!"
"Laa laa .. YOU seriously!"
"What are you trying to say yal '3abi!"
"As2aaalk! What new!" He repeated
"Yal THOR agoolk with what!"
"The girl!!!" He finally blurted.
"What girl?" Awani ma3rf shu elsalfa.
"Okay now you're the one that’s acting stupid! Mb ana!"
"Nothing..Nothing's new okay?! Do you know how hard it is to stay away from her?" I blurted out.

7amdan stared at me blankly.

"Wl5aiba." He said.
"5aiba t5aybk yal 7mar!" I replied.
"Enzain laish awank you’re trying to stay away from her?" 7amdan said, ignoring the fact that I just
insulted him.
"Tstahbal wla tstahbal? Nsait enha e5t Man9oor?" I answered his stupid question.
"Enzain he doesn't have to know." He winked devilishly.
"Bdaina 3al sh6ana ha?" I smirked.
"Dude I'm just trying to help!"
"You're not helping."
"Okay why not?!"
"You really want to know why?" I put the cooler down, "Because she's not just any girl! She's bint
nass ow 3agla ow 7lwa ow sha59eyat'ha tjanin ow klshay. I respect her too much to do anything with

7amdan I think yata 9admat 7ayata…cuz he stayed quiet for a couple of minutes.

"For the first time in my life I'm going to be serious with you." He said… bsmlaah..
"Rashood, sma3ni 3adel. Don’t let go of this girl." He said, not blinking, not even once.

He was so serious, he scared me! 7AMDAN! Out of all people… is being serious. Bss you know
what. 9a7 kalama. I won't. I'll never let go of her. I can't wait till the day where I can say she's mine.

"SHABAB!" Man9oor called from the distance.

7amdan and I snapped out of our film hindi and turned our heads.

"Ha kla ow ba3adkm ma 76aito el cooler fil 6arad?!" Man9oor 7tshar.
"Ya5i wallah thjeel!" 7amdan complained.
"Yal far5 goom goom! Ana bashla!" Man9oor grabbed the cooler. "Ma mnkm fayda!"


Noora's Point Of View:

"Agoolkm ana malait." Amoon said, popping skittles into her mouth.
"Min shu." 79a replied, putting the skittles that Amoon dropped in rainbow order.
"From this! Let's have a party!" Amoon suggested.
"Tstahblain?" I laughed
"Seriously! Man we can't do anything with the guys right next door!"
"They're not home today. They went fishing ow I think byrdoon late." 79a mentioned.
"Winty shdarach?" Amoon eyed 79a.
"Umm…Man9oor called Nawari ow told her ya3ni." She smiled.
"Chathaba." Amoon sat up straight. "Spill!"

Mashallah 3laiha!

"Bsmlaah! Shu feech Amoon?" I sat next to her on the sofa.
"Latlfoon witdooroon! Get to the point into el hntain!" She said.

79a and I looked at each other before telling her what she missed that morning.

"Oh my Gosh and I missed it?!" Amoon said, after we explained.
"Ely ygool we know what he said!" I said, eyeing 79a who still wouldn’t tell me what Rashid said.
"Obviously he told her how he felt! I mean look at 79a! Shway ow bt6eer min el far7a!" Amoon said,
pointing at 79a who was smiling so wide, her face was about to crack.
"Go for it Nawari! Let him sweep you of your feet!" 79o batted her eyelashes and sighed.
"Hablaa." Amoon muttered.
"Tstahblain?!" I exclaimed.
"I'm serious! Let him carry you into the moonlight!" She continued.
"79oo trach wayed t7lmeen." Amoon raised an eyebrow at her.
"Nsaity ena rbee3 Man9oor?" I pointed out.
"Enzain he doesn't have to know." 79a winked devilishly.
"La wallah! Tbainy amoot wla amoot?" I said.
"At least you'll die for love." She continued to flutter her eyelashes. F5a6ry a9fa3ha kaf y9a797ha
"Enzain 9dg!" 79o continued. "It's obvious that both of u guys are head over heels for each other!"
"9dg?" I blushed.
"DUUH! He even said so himself and I quote *I'm crazy about her*." 79a blurted.

"HAAAA???" Amoon and I suddenly sad up straight and widened our eyes till we looked like owls.
"Hehe. Oops." 79a blushed.
"He said THAT?" Amoon said. "About HER?!" She pointed at me.
"Aaaaih enty shu 89dch?" I nudged her.
"Sktii enty!" Amoon shushed me. "A7eena hathak el MZYOON min 9dga y7b Nawari??"
"MAAAYT feeeha agoolch!" 79a continued.
"Hahaha 6a shaklha!" Amoon looked at me and laughed.  "She's blushing! Shway ow bt6eer min el
"Shut up you guys!" I yelled! Sa5eefat!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bittersweet 52

"Noorooh!" 79a said between bites of her Coco Pops. "He's HOT!"

We were sitting in the downstairs living room enjoying breakfast facing the large glass window that
gave us a great view of the beach. Amoon was asleep so 79a and I decided to enjoy breakfast alone.

"I know!" I said, chewing on my own Coco pops trying not to blush.
"Nooro a7s he REALLY likes you."
"You think?" I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Wallah! You make a cute couple." 79a giggled.
"Laaaaaaa." Awani atdala3.
"Chub! Ya5i 3tarfay ench mayta feeh! I see your face when he's around. Nawari you're so obvious."
She giggled.
"79o shut up!"
"Seery zgii a9lan enty you like it yom 7ad che eygoolch!" She winked devilishly.

God she knows me well!
3ad ana stanast ya3ni! 9adagt 3mri shway! Enzain 5alooni! Wallah awal mra I experience this!

"OMG!" 79a suddenly lit up. "El 6ayeb 3nd thkra!"

I turned around to see what 79a was looking at out the window, and there was Rashid, walking along
the beach. He was in a plain white T-shirt, black shorts and sunglasses.

"Let's go say hi!" 79a said casually. Testahbal hay?
"Yeah, and then we can go party on the beach and drink until we pass out." I said sarcastically.
"Whatever Nawari! 3adi shu feeha ya3ni?" She said, right before she opened the door and walked out
to the beach.

Hay shu nawya tsawii! I swear I'm going to kill her! I refused to go outside. Maynoona ana? Ow my
brother is in the next house ba3ad! Tet7ara 3mrha fi film hindi. I ra8b-ed them from the big glass
window. 79a skipped like an idiot all the way to Rashid who was standing on the shore. He smiled
and took off his sunglasses and hung them on the collar of his shirt. She smiled back at him. Soon,
they started talking and giggling! SHU HAY?! Tseer ow tet'3azal feeh right after she demands that I
like him! I'm going to seriously kill her!


"Heeyy!" 79a said chana el3eed.
"Oh hi 79a!" Rashid greeted her. "What are you doing out here."
"I just came to say hi, sho 7aram asalm?"
"La la 3adi." Rashid chuckled. "So sh7alkm?"
"Wallah klshay tamam, wnta? How are you?"
"Great, we're supposed to go fishing today so Man9oor and 7amdan went to go get fishing gear from
the sheesha ow byrdoon." He explained.
"Allaah fishing!" 79a beamed.
"So wain the rest?" Rashid asked.
"Ay rest? Oh you mean Amoon ow Nawari? Amoon ragda, ow Nawari and I are just having breakfast."
79a explained, pointing at the window.
"You're spying on me?" He smirked.
"Laaa2! Wallah we were just having breakfast! But I'm not going to lie, we were talking about you."
79a winked.
"9DG?!" His face suddenly lit up.
"Shoo tgooloon??" He demanded.
"Well I wasn’t doing most of the talking. That would be Nawari." 79a el 7mara said.
"Wallah?" He was smiling so wide that the corners of his mouth reached his ears.
"Yeah man!" 79a kept going. "She's going to kill me for this but believe me she likes you. Like, a LOT."

Rashid said nothing, but smiled like an idiot.

"Awww Rashid are you blushing???" 79a teased.
"La sho el rayal doesn't blush!" y3aanid.
"Chathab! You're as red as a tomato! Tra eybayn through the window you know?" 79a laughed.
"SHIT!" He turned his face towards the ocean so it wouldn’t show that he's blushing.
"Hahaha oh my Gosh you guys are so cute!" 79a kept laughing.
"Shut up 79o!" He chuckled.
"Fine but it's your turn to talk now!"

Rashid's eyes widened.

"Yallah," She began. "What are your intentions towards my best friend ha?"
"5aaaiba!" Rashid said. "Ta78ee8!"
"Shut up and start talking!" 79a demanded.
"I do not feel comfortable discussing this with you." Rashid said.
"Comfortable or uncomfortable, che wla che, you're going to talk!" She insisted.
"Wow, dfsha." He teased.
"Lat'3ayer el salfa, I'll get back to you on that dfsha comment but for now you're going to tell me how
do you feel about Nawari!"
"Obviously you're not going to quit, so I'm just going to tell you that …. I'm crazy about her." He said
so fast that 79a barely heard it.
"I knew it!" 79a gasped, trying hard not to scream of joy.
"Wallah! From the moment I laid eyes on her that day at Chilies I knew she was different." He kept
gazing at the ocean, ystarj3 el moment.
"OMG." 79a squeaked quietly trying to keep her emotions from bursting.
"Sure I've known a lot of girls in my life, but that was my past, and I've never felt about any girl the way
I feel about Noora. Not even close." He kept pouring his feelings out.

79a sighed.

"Am I boring you?" Rashid suddenly snapped out of it to see 79a staring directly at him with tears in
her eyes. Maynoona wallah.
"No." 79a shrieked.
"Don't you have a certain best friend waiting for you inside?" He reminded her.
"OH RIGHT! Forgot about that." She realized. "Good talk. See you soon. Oh and have fun fishing."
She said, as she walked back towards the house.

"What was that all about!" I said with my hands on my hips as soon as 79a walked through the door.
"Ha? What?" 79a said stupidly.
"Don’t act stupid 79o now tell me! What happened?" I demanded.
"Nothing!" 79a insisted.
"La wallah? Then what's with all the giggling and stuff?"
"HAHA laa laa Nawari it's not like that!" 79a laughed.
"You'll thank me someday, oh and by the way, that guy of yours, hold on to him, because not in a
million years you're going to find someone as perfect as him." 79a said so seriously, it scared me.

I just stared at her. What could he have said to her? I wanted to know so badly! Did he tell her how he
felt? What did he say?! I wanted to know! But I know one thing, and that is that I'm really falling for this